
The Portal is More Than
Just a Beautiful Space

We are a community of heart-centered optimists
building our harmonious society.

Each of us holds a piece of the puzzle,
a strand in the tapestry,
a gift to present to the whole.

We welcome YOU and encourage you to expand into your highest potential,

while being cheered on by the collective.

The Portal reminds us to harness
the power of the elements,
and our own nature.

Water connection

Sitting on an aquifer, there is water flowing freely 250 below us, replenishing our well.

Our heated (sometimes!) pool is filled with its fresh, abundant, mineral-rich water.
Only salt has ever been added.

earth connection

Guarding the back of the Portal are 2 acres of verdant earth.

The Heaven on Earth Gardens are a food forest fostered by the community.

Mushrooms & flowers, bees & basil, sweet potatoes & cucumbers, microgreens & kombucha—come get your hands in the dirt.

fire connection

We honor fire with our fire ceremonies. Under the full moon light we spin fire and beat the drum of our passionate hearts.

wind connection

The wind whistles through our unique Japanese Kusamaki tree,
a guardian in the center of the deck, holding the swinging hammocks.

Our chimes translate the dance of the air into song.

space connection

And of course…space.

We are a clear vessel ready to receive your magic.

We are the container for creators and innovators to become sourced and seeded.